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Educational Empowerment

Transforming Lives in Leprosy-Affected Communities

Education plays a liberating role and leads to socio-economic empowerment and upliftment. 

NLR India’s educational activities for its target groups include both direct and indirect support as we provide coaching, life skills education, sexual and reproductive health guidance, career counseling, educational materials, financial assistance and linkage with other resources.  

NLR India requests the donors – both individuals and institutions – to meet their philanthropic needs by funding the educational needs of the most stigmatized and deprived children, adolescents and youths – boys and girls – in the leprosy colonies and general communities affected by leprosy, skin Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs) and disabilities.  

NLR India’s educational activities and outcomes are intended to not just acquire information, but also knowledge and skills that can help in leading an economically independent life through an empowering, equitable and inclusive approach.  Some children are groomed to become change agents bringing change to themselves, their family and community.