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NLR India's Impact

Empowering Youth Through Vocational Training

NLR India considers that by supporting youth & affected persons to develop new skills, and connecting them with employers/market, we enable them to take control of their own careers and lives, and to help their families break out of the cycle of poverty and ultimately bringing them to join the mainstream.

NLR India has been supporting youths for skill development through various vocational training courses in different states of India. We primarily focus on the youths affected with leprosy, their dependents, and persons with disabilities.

The most preferred vocational training courses attended by our youths include Diesel mechanic, Motor mechanic, Tailoring, Beautician, Motor driving, Electrician, Painting & Decoration.

NLR India has been successful in linking the youth to the different training centres for skill development. It is worth mentioning that majority of the youth trained with support from NLR India have been successfully employed with rewarding benefits.

Some youth with good income have moved out of the leprosy colonies along with their parents and started living in the general community.