Making A Difference
NLR India (NLRIF), New Delhi is an ISO 9001:2015 certified, Non-Profit, Non-religious, Non-Government Organization. NLR India works for persons and families affected by Leprosy, other Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTD) and Persons With Disabilities (PWDs). The Foundation has a track record of serving the leprosy cause since the year 1999.
With its noble vision and Leprosy oriented efforts spread across a time period of over two decades, NLRIF supports the National Leprosy Eradication Programme (NLEP) in achieving Zero Transmission, Zero Disability and Zero Exclusion. NLR India works in five different thematic areas, namely, Health, Education, Livelihood, Empowerment and Research.
Weaving a Future Free from Suffering
NLR's Vision for Inclusive Development
NLRIF primarily provides services to people affected by leprosy and their dependents. However, with its noble vision, NLRIF has successfully expanded its horizon to disability-inclusive development programme where we extend our services to the sufferers of another marginalized section that is people affected by Lymphatic filariasis and severe Diabetes repercussions.
NLR India has been established after a long research and lot of background work which clearly depicts the need for “Leprosy control”.
NLR India realized the dire need to control the sufferings caused due to Leprosy, Lymphatic Filariasis (LF) & other disabilities. They need to be encouraged and enabled to overcome disabilities, poverty and need support for earning a dignified income.
NLRIF focus its activities on two major thematic programmatic areas –
- Disability care and
- Disability Inclusive Development.
Under the first thematic area of disability care, there are 3 major interventions i.e. Self-Care, Health Camps & Aids & Appliances support.
In the case of Disability Inclusive Development, community-based intervention in the form of livelihood promotion, vocational training, the formation of SHG and Strengthening Disabled People’s Organisation, education support, income generation activities have been undertaken.
NLR India activities emphasis towards Sustainable Development – a motto of sustainability which is vital for fruitful development & long- term futuristic empowerment.
NLR India registered under Indian Trusts Act, 1882 as Document No.2055, in Book No. IV, Volume No.1174, on pages 75 to 89, in the office of Sub Registrar, New Delhi.
FCRA registration number-231660489, Nature : Social.
A World Free from Suffering
Envisioning a Future Where All Can Thrive
NLRIF, initially focused on battling leprosy, has evolved into a champion for marginalized communities. We empower individuals affected by leprosy, lymphatic filariasis, and disabilities through comprehensive care, livelihood support, and community engagement. Our vision is a world free from suffering, where all can thrive with dignity and opportunity.
Societies in which leprosy will be under control. In these societies health services at all levels ensure that every patient will be diagnosed and treated early so the disease will no longer be a major risk for disabilities & social exclusion.
Creation of an inclusive society free from Leprosy, allied skin NTDs and related Disabilities
Openness, Collaborative, Commitment, Compassion