All India Convention for the Welfare of Leprosy affected persons
Dr. Dr.Sanidhya Bhargava , State Programme Lead (SPL), and Ms. KM Ritu, Community Based Rehabilitation Coordinator (CBRC) from NLR India Rajasthan Team, participated at the “All India Convention for the Welfare of Leprosy affected persons’ that was held on 18th July 2024 at Rajasthan International convention center, Jaipur. Shri Kalraj Mishra, Honourable Governor of Rajasthan, Shri Ram Naik, former Governor, Uttar Pradesh, Mr. Suresh Kaul, President, Sarthank Manav Kusht Ashram, Patron, Sarthak Manav Kusht Ahram and Dr. Vijay Laxmi Godara, State Leprosy Officer (SL0), Rajasthan. Key topics of sessions are discussions on disability laws, the current scenario of Leprosy in Rajasthan, and the work areas of Sarthak Manav Kusht Ashram, etc.