Contributions to National Strategic Plan (NSP) and participation at launch of NSP

Since the last 2 quarters of 2022 till Jan 2023, 7 technical experts of NLR IF had contributed in development and compilation of National Strategic Plan (NSP) /Roadmap to zero leprosy 2023-2027, Central Leprosy Division (CLD), Govt. of India (GoI) as working group members for thematic areas i.e. Programme Management, Research & Innovation, Information, Education & Communication (IEC) & Advocacy, Stigma & Discrimination, Socio-economic Rehabilitation, and Urban Leprosy.
At the observance of the National Anti-Leprosy day on Field staff of NLRIF across 7 states had participated in SPARSH Leprosy Awareness Campaign (SLAC) which were started from 30th January 2023 for a fortnight, for generation of public awareness about leprosy. More than 15 rallies and other mass awareness activities were carried out in the month of February, during the SLAC fortnight event, which were organized by the governments at state, district and block levels etc. Our staff across 7 states had facilitated and participated at these rallies and awareness activities were also carried out in leprosy colonies. In these rallies, representatives from several stakeholders also took part. 30th January 2023, which was organized by Director General of Health Services (DGHS), Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, GoI, the NSP and guidelines for Anti -microbial resistance (AMR) were launched, and released Nikusth 2.0 version. The solemn occasion was graced by the Honorable Minister of State, Health & Family Welfare, Special Secretary, Joint Secretary (JS) and key dignitaries such as Director General of Health Services (DGHS), Deputy Director General (Leprosy) and WHO representative to India.