State media coordination committee meeting at R.C.H. Conference Hall
On 30th July 2024, Dr. Sidhartha Biswal, State Programme Lead (SPL), Jharkhand, NLR India attended the state media coordination committee meeting at R.C.H Campus, R.C.H.(Health) Conference Hall, Namkum, Ranchi. Dr Birendra Singh, District In-Charge, (DIC), Health, Jharkhand chaired the meeting. At the meeting, total 11 media houses , Doordarshan and digital media representatives participated in this meeting. Key discussion points were around Leprosy Case Detection Campaign (LCDC) activities, areas to make it more successful and mitigate plan to face the challenge on leprosy, and means of awareness generation among the community through different stakeholders. Dr Biswal, NLR India provided an audio bite to F.M (Radio dhum) and Doordarshan on preparatory activities of LCDC and overview of National Leprosy Eradication Programme (NLEP).