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Shekhar Murmu- Beating Leprosy with Support and Care

Shekhar Murmu, a 23-year-old from Ritudih village in Jharkhand, noticed two anesthetic skin lesions on his right hand four years ago. Diagnosed with leprosy by a private doctor, his initial treatment provided no relief. His parents sought advice from a neighbor, who recommended visiting Sadar Hospital in Chas.

At Sadar Hospital, the Medical Officer assured Shekhar that leprosy is curable and not hereditary. After thorough investigation, he was referred to the District Leprosy Office. There, a Paramedical Worker directed him to the Community Health Center in Chas. Diagnosed as a Multibacillary (MB) case of leprosy, Shekhar began Multi Drug Therapy (MDT).

Under supervision, Shekhar received MDT, a self-care kit, and special shoes for ulcer care. With the support of NLR India and the National Leprosy Eradication Programme (NLEP), he accessed comprehensive treatment and rehabilitation services. The cooperative and empathetic staff provided counselling, significantly improving his quality of life.

Grateful for the support, Shekhar thanked the NLEP and NLR India teams for their help in his journey to recovery.

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